速報APP / 通訊 / chomp SMS

chomp SMS





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:Suite 40, Upper Deck Jones Bay Wharf 26-32 Pirrama Road Pyrmont NSW 2009 Australia

chomp SMS(圖1)-速報App

Want an ultra-customizable alternative to your stock Android SMS / MMS app?

chomp SMS(圖2)-速報App

Well today is your day. Join the chomp SMS revolution now at 10+ million strong!

chomp SMS(圖3)-速報App

Chomp comes with a bunch of great features, notably a passcode lock, privacy options, scheduled SMS sender (reminders, birthday wishes), stop a text while sending, pin favs to top, backup, blacklisting / SMS blocker, signatures, text snippets, quick reply popup (even on lock screen), multi-select picture gallery, dual sim, better MMS and GROUP messaging and much more....

chomp SMS(圖4)-速報App

Plus unlimited customisation options when receiving messages: change notification LED colors, ringtones, and vibrate patterns. In chomp you can also customize the screen color, font style, text size and background wallpaper. Go on give it some bling!

chomp SMS(圖5)-速報App

Plus the latest (2700+) Android, Twitter, Emoji One & iOS style emojis including diversity (skin tone). Just pick your preferred emoji style, easy!

chomp SMS(圖6)-速報App

Give chomp SMS a try today! It's pretty special.

chomp SMS(圖7)-速報App

Compatible with Yappy, Pushbullet and MightyText for desktop notifications and replying.

All chomp SMS features are free forever. Occasionally you'll see an ad, or you can choose to make a once only in-app purchase to remove ads forever.

Support, Knowledge Base & Feedback @ https://chomp.uservoice.com